Carpet Repair & Restretching in Jacksonville, Florida

After all my years on the floor, I pretty much know how and why things are the way they are. If you have pictures of any problems and would like to know what and why for FREE, email me the pics from anywhere in the United States and I’ll help you to understand.
A professional takes care of all the smallest of details; before, during and after any endeavor. With time it becomes second nature, with respect and courtesy to our mistakes, but to say it was an accident is to claim ignorance.
We wish you the best.
Able Carpet repair/Jim Ryan
We do carpet measuring for the sum of $50 and if we install it, that $50 will go towards the installation!
Able Carpet Repair is NOW HIRING for a full time carpet repairman position!
We are looking for a hard working person that is prompt and courteous with customers. Must have carpet repair and stretching experience, a valid I.D. and be licensed and insured. For more info, call Us at (904) 740-4303 .
Be Wary of People that Claim to Be Carpet Repair Men!
The other day I came across a job where the guy who did the first carpet repair glued the fibers close to the top and that left that
whole area on the edges very hard. After a dog walks over that several times there’s a good chance that he or she will try to dig it out, forcing you to have another repair done. The same thing happens in doorways at the transitions from carpet to tile or carpet to Wood most of the time there are little nails sticking up and the dog will step on it and after so long the dog gets tired of it and then tries to dig it out. The same thing will happen in many cases where the person claiming to be a carpet repair man really doesn’t know his job well enough or he would not have to use the glue up around the edges of the carpet repair so that it looks like he did a great job. There should be no hard spots in the area that is repaired. Pass this on.
Almost Invisible Patchwork

Trust your carpets to Able Carpet Repair, providing quality residential and commercial carpet installation and repair service in Jacksonville,
Florida. We offer honest work with quality workmanship guaranteed for all brands of carpet. Contact us to learn more about carpet consulting
and help with inspections.
Repairing Your Damaged Carpets
Keep your carpet in tip-top shape with our carpet repair service. We cut out burns or stains and plug the holes with carpet from the closets, inset with almost
invisible patchwork. Carpet padding replacement is also available.
We Sell & Install New Carpet
Master Installer & Repair Men put in brand-new carpet with our carpet installation services. We can install all kinds of commercial and residential carpet,
backed by 40 years of experience. Power stretching available. We even install already purchased carpet.
Preventing Pet Damage
Your pets dig holes and urinate for a reason. Learn more at Pets are Smart
We want you to make choices that are best for you!
Carpet put in an attic or hot garage, almost always tinges yellow or green, due to the heat. Always keep the leftover pieces of carpet from a new installation
in a closet or garage that doesn’t get real hot, rolled neatly, for repair work.
You should always ask for a 5 year guarantee on the “installation” of new carpet and a 5 year guarantee on any re-stretch, but normally it lasts for 10 to 15
years or longer, when done properly.
To do a re-stretch properly, the furniture must be moved. Many times wrinkles can be taken out without moving much furniture, but there is no guarantee with
such. That kind of fix might last 2 or 3 years.
Never drag furniture across the carpet, that action will cause wrinkles to form at times. If you must move furniture, take out the drawers and use skids or
sliders, what some call moving men. They are either round or square and about 6 inches across, with sponge rubber on top and hard plastic on the bottom.
Furniture slides so easily with sliders, on carpet. If you move furniture from carpet to tile or wood, be careful, because sand is usually present and
you will scratch the wood or tile, but usually, tile scratches from sand don’t show very much. There are skids for wood and tile. They have felt instead of
hard plastic, on the bottom. If you slide on wood, make sure you get all the sand cleared of the area. Sand comes into the house on shoes, pant legs, dogs,
cats and more, without you realizing it and sand is the biggest killer of carpet and wood floors. Tile doesn’t show as bad.
Save money!!
If you can move the furniture, you can save quite a lot of money, but if not, we’d be happy to move the furniture for you.
If you get down close to the floor, at carpet to tile or wood transitional areas, you may see very thin, almost translucent pieces of plastic that the animals see, that you don’t, when you’re standing. The animals will bite them with their teeth and shake their heads, tearing them out, causing more plastic to get pulled up, and causing the loss of the surface material, as if something to play with or they may scratch at them. That can cause holes eventually. Snip the plastic off as low to the bottom, without damaging the carpet.
Your vacuum usually brings them up or after new installations; the installers may not see them.
If your animals dig holes in the middle of the carpet, your water pipes may gurgle and your dog hear it, but not you. The tack boards at the transitions have nails that can stick up through your carpet and hurt your animals, causing them to scratch holes at the transitions and some animals will urinate just before those transitions, as a way to remind them of the danger.
Your dog or cat will usually dig at any place in the floor that hurts his or her paw, like when a repairman uses a glue gun to do a repair and the glue rises to the surface from too much glue and creates a hard knot of glue.
The animals may step on a nail at the transitional areas.
Animals tell us many more things, by their actions.
We can help. Phone calls are free
Contact us at (904) 740-4303 in Jacksonville, Florida, for more
information about carpet repair and installation.